Step 4: Jural Assembly Membership
Mission Statement for the Nevada Jural Assembly
Our Nevada Jural Assembly is dedicated to the restoration of a complete and fully operational land and soil jurisdiction State and County court system serving the people of Nevada, the preservation of the National Trust, the enforcement of the Public Law, the upholding of the Federal Constitution owed to our State and People, the re-population of our land and soil jurisdiction, the filling of vacated Public Offices, and the reclamation of our material and intellectual public and private assets. To these ends we, the living people of Nevada, have called the eligible Nevada nationals and electors to assemble and to serve as Jurors and Officers, and we have established the process and procedure to qualify Jurors and others competent to hold State Citizenship and Public Office. We do this peacefully and without rancor in the exercise of our unincorporated powers and capacities.
Why should I become a member of the Jural Assembly?
American State Nationals are asked to fulfill their duty to their REAL government. We are requesting that you serve as a Jural Assembly Member. Jural Assembly Members are volunteering to preserve their land jurisdiction States and their Court Systems – without which there is no country and no private ownership of anything. It is expected and encouraged, that, unless you are incapacitated and cannot serve as a Juror, that you will volunteer to become a Jural Assembly Member at such a critical time in the history of America. The Nevada Assembly needs 26 Jural Assembly Members in order to have our elections and fill our public offices. This will allow us to move on to the next step, which is creating our State of State Organizations which will enable us to call our first Continental Congress.
How to become a Member of the Jural Assembly
Jural Assembly Membership Agreement
Sign and seal with your thumbprint. It is recommended that you have it witnessed by 2 State Nationals.